Risk Management Policies & Resources


Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) Safety Policies:

Hockey Canada (HC) Safety Policies:

HNS Code of Conduct:

Diversity & Inclusion: 

Gender Expression Policy: 

Dressing Room Policies: 

  • Hockey Canada Dressing Room Policy
  • Hockey Canada Co-Ed Dressing Room Policy
  • HNS Dressing Room Supervision Policy 
  • Rule of Two
    • To best ensure safety for all participants, all minor hockey programs sanctioned by Hockey Canada and its Members are required to implement the ‘Rule of Two’ for all dressing rooms. The ‘Rule of Two’ requires two trained and screened adults to be present in the dressing room or immediately outside the dressing room with the door propped open to monitor the environment and ensure it is free of any discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other forms of maltreatment. The Rule of Two remains in place when showers are in use.

Cyberbullying Resources:

Respect in Sport:

24 Hour Rule:

  • Interactions often escalate when confronted in the "heat of the moment". It is in everyone's best interest to practice the "24 Hour Rule" before confronting someone about an issue. This goes for players, parents, coaches, and team staff.

HNS Complaint Intake Process:

HNS Independent Third Party Investigations